The Athletic Coup was born out of a desire to uncover the inspirational stories of amateur athletes and niche sports performed in remote areas of the world.
The festival is a purpose-driven endeavor to promote mental health through physical activity and to celebrate the community aspects of sports.
On the occasion of our
upcoming festival in May 21, 2024, in Athens, Greece, we’re excited to announce The Athletic Coup
Brand Awards.
Join us as we bring athletic action to the big screen, celebrate physical excellence and explore unique sports in exciting locations around the globe.
Secure your brand spot.
Enter for a chance to win The Athletic Coup Brand Award for your category. Show your brand commercial on the big screen at The Athletic Coup film festival.
Commercial submissions are accepted in the categories: sports, fitness, wellness, outdoors, food & beverage, health, hospitality and technology.
Submit your brand commercial for the award consideration and the screening: