Professional Meets Experimental – the MIERSWA-KLUSKA creative team in an interview, and stop by their booth at UPDATE-24-BERLIN

Mierswa-Kluska, and now mplusk films, stand for high-end stills and motion in the areas of cosmetics, interior, jewelry and watches. In dynamic imagery, they stage cosmetic textures, special effects and beauty products from all corners of the globe.

What’s so exciting, even challenging about beauty, an area you have quite clearly mastered? Our approach has obviously always been to find out-of-camera solutions for whatever the briefings demand first. Especially for the scenes with science symbols – you sometimes have to dig around in your old physics experiment kit to find things like that – but also surprising tricks for set construction and good teamwork with the people from SFX are extremely important.

For product shots, the robots and synchronization of the effects meanwhile play a major role. Finally, the challenge is often simply trying to fit all of the filmed scenes into fifteen seconds in a way that makes sense

Plastic Is Problematic - BASICS.BERLIN presents the BETTERPLACE.ORG campaign spot by Director Stephan Fallucchi with hair & makeup by Brigitte Brenner

“Does that look good, or are you better off leaving it alone?” is asked in the campaign spot for the social platform by director Stephan Fallucchi. Because, in our everyday lives, we’re all required to set the course for tomorrow with all the little decisions we make today.

On set for hair & makeup was Brigitte BRENNER c/o BASICS.BERLIN…

The OOR STUDIO APPAREL F/W24 COLLECTION – a video by DRIU & TIAGU with grooming by Diellza JAHIRI c/o BIGOUDI for you GoSee.News … and BIGOUDI is an exhibitor at UPDATE-24-BERLIN

NUMÉRO BERLIN writes about the young Berlin-Based label by jack-of-all-trades Götz Offergeld : “In times of crisis, fashion potentially becomes dark, dangerous, warlike. But exception proves the rule. Our colleagues at OOR Studio, the creative agency affiliated with the Off One’s Rocker publishing house, have designed a collection aimed at putting imagination and fun back into fashion.

It’s luxurious yet playful, never taking itself and fashion as a whole too seriously. At Pitti Uomo right now, OOR Apparel is celebrating its launch, finally. It was all fun and games when Götz Offergeld, publisher and founder of OOR Studio, and Mirko Borsche…

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